Hello Everyone!
I hope this edition of Macy's Mutterings finds you well. I've been doing really well lately -- lost a couple more pounds (now under 80) and I haven't had a seizure in a couple of months, so keeping my paws crossed that those nasty things won't return!
Since our last visit, I've been spending a lot of evenings at the bark park, hanging with my friends, and a dog or two here and there. I love walking around the park with mom, but she has been spending a lot of time sitting on the bench talking to people instead of walking, so I have to keep shouting at her to get up and walk! The people at the park think it's funny when I talk to mom, but doggone it, the park is for walking and playing, not sitting on your butt! Mom tries to encourage me to go out on my own and play, but it's more fun when she's by my side. Oh, I do venture out on occasion, but always make sure I don't get too far away from her -- after all, I have to be close enough to protect her if she needs it. They call me a "Mama's Boy," and I don't think that's a sissy thing at all -- I just love my mama!
Macy and Ringo at the Bark Park |
Eagle Creek Bark Park Team |
Yard of Bricks Photo
Mutt Strut took place the end of April and it was another rainy day at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Mom said she'd spent many days out there watching it rain while she worked there, so it kind of seemed like old times, although with me in tow. It was chilly too, but I don't mind that -- as a matter of fact, I love cool and cold weather, so I was fine. We met several people and dogs we know from Eagle Creek Bark Park and had a team picture taken. Mom also took me into what she calls the "Man Cave" under victory podium and met some "phone men" she used to work with and they were very nice. We then walked our lap around the track to raise money for the Humane Society of Indianapolis. I'm proud to say that I raised $250 for the cause and would like to thank everyone who donated on my behalf. After the walk, we went around to several vendor booths and picked up a bunch of swag -- I love swag! On the way home, we stopped off at a cute store for animals and their people called Dawgs and Katz Bake House and Gifts, and mom bought me a few home-made treats which were very good. It was a long, fun day, so after we got home, I just napped the rest of the day!
Me with the famous Wing & Wheel Logo
Wet Dog! |
On the ride home - one pooped pup! |
In early May, mom and I took an hour road trip up to Anderson to spend the afternoon at our friend Sue's farm. We got to meet her son Isaac and her two dogs Flea and Maddie. Well, I had met Flea before, but hadn't met Maddie. She was a bit protective of her back yard, so we didn't get along for a while until we got used to each other. Boy, could I get used to living on a farm like that -- plenty of room to run and play! Us dogs followed mom and Sue on the golf cart back into the field to a pond, where I proceeded to fall in . . . twice! I like to wade in water, but I'm not into swimming, but everyone laughed and got a kick out of it, so I'll play the clown if it brings smiles! It was a great time and hope we'll be able to hang out there again sometime. You know, I never lay down in the car, but as you'll see from the picture mom will post here, I was a pooped pup after all that excitement!
On May 12, mom took me to party at the Happy Dog Hotel and Spa in Carmel. The party was for a German Shepherd named Creed. Mom told me all about him before we got there and I was happy I got to meet him. You see, Creed is a pure-bred GSD who was badly injured after being hit by a car and was in a shelter waiting for his family to come get him, but when that didn't happen, Amber with German Shepherd Rescue Indy pulled him from the shelter and saw to it that he got the care he needed. So, with a lot of help and donations from many loving dog lovers, veterinarians and vet techs, Creed had major orthopedic surgery to repair his hind legs and hips, after it was feared initially that he may have to be put to sleep or at the very least lose a leg. He's been through a lot and is a very special young man and has been doing really well after therapy and another recent surgery. It's good to know there are such caring animal lovers out there willing to help when needed. Creed is an inspiration to so many and we can all learn from him. Oh, if you're thinking about bringing a rescued German Shepherd Dog into your home, please consider
Handsome Creed
Macy greeting Creed and Amber |
I recently got to see a friend who I hadn't seen in six months or so. Mom's friend Loretta brought her dog Charlie to the bark park a couple of times and it was great to see them both. I really hope I get to see her other dogs soon, my good friends Lucy, Toby, Jack, Opie and Carter. You see, when I was young, we hung out a lot and they allowed me to be part of their pack and I really miss playing with them.
Mom took me to a neighborhood association meeting this morning and that was really boring, but I got to meet a few new folks and be outside for a while. I think I may be going to see my Grandma tomorrow, which is always fun -- cars rides and seeing my G'ma -- can't get much better than that!
That's it for now, but I want to remind you that there are so many doggies and kitties needing loving, furever homes and I strongly encourage you to consider bringing a new furry friend into your family. Shelters and rescues are in need of fosters too, if you aren't ready for a permanent new family member.
Thanks for reading and as always, I'm sending good thoughts and big, sloppy Macy kisses! Love to all!
Macy G. Mendenhall