Merry Christmas everyone! It's been over a month since I last talked to you, so let me try to remember what's been going on since then.
Fuzzy Butt! |
Are we done yet? |
Well, last month was Thanksgiving and I got to visit family at my Grandma's house. The night before, I had to take a bath. I know a lot of dogs don't like to take baths and I guess I'm one of those, but I go with the flow and stand there while mom sprays water all over me and then suds me up. Although I'm not crazy about bath time, I do like it when mom calls me "fuzzy butt" afterwards . . . and it does feel good to be all clean.
So, back to Thanksgiving . . . I went to Grandma's house where I got to spend time with family and the humans seemed to eat a lot! I kept asking for some special treats, and finally got some stuff later -- it was good! And, I always enjoy seeing my Grandma! I did miss Uncle Tim though -- he had surgery a couple of weeks before and wasn't feeling up to joining us. I hope he feels better soon so we can wrestle and play tug again!

A couple of days after Thanksgiving, I celebrated my fourth birthday. We didn't have a birthday party, but mom did make me some special birthday dog cookies that I shared with a few friends. Mom gave me a cool soccer ball too! I played with that ball for six days until I accidentally punctured it with my tooth! Maybe I'll get another one someday.

I got to go see Dr. Kim the morning of my birthday to get some poking, prodding and vaccinations done, and more importantly, some attention and treats! Dr. Kim said I need to lose some weight -- that's gonna be hard to do, but I'll try my best. Don't tell her though, but after we left her office, mom and I stopped at Starbucks where she bought me a pup cup for my birthday! For those of you who don't know, a pup cup is a cup of whipped cream -- YUMMO! (Check it out for your dog the next time you go to Starbucks.) I did get to go to the bark park in the afternoon and after snoozing for a while, we hung out and played with my buddies Charlie, Lucy, Toby, Jack, Opie and Carter -- I hadn't seen them in a long time, so that was fun!
At the beginning of December, mom told me that my Grandma had surgery on her back. I didn't like to hear that 'cause I love her so much and don't want her to hurt! I sure hope the surgery fixes the problem and she'll feel as good as new soon!
I had something that mom calls a seizure earlier this month. Mom says I hadn't had one in more than six months, so she was hoping that I had grown out of them. So, she'll keep monitoring and tracking them and hope I don't have any more. I wish I wouldn't have them anymore either, most especially because it scares mom and makes her sad. But, I'm a very healthy and happy dog otherwise and we don't seem to think it's anything to worry too much about.

'Tis the season . . . I went to visit Santa Claus for the first time ever in my life a couple of weeks ago. We went to the Zionsville Animal Hospital where they were having a fundraiser and adoption event for the Humane Society of Boone County. You see, they don't have a physical shelter, so they're trying to raise money to build one someday. Anyway, it was definitely a new experience. We saw some cute kitties and doggies looking for forever homes, and a lot of people running around, a table with human treats, as well as some fat guy in a red suit that I later learned was Santa Claus. I was okay with that until they called my name and said I was next and mom sat me down beside Santa. After mom took my harness off, I bolted for the door! And, when the door wouldn't open, I ran upstairs until mom called me back downstairs, where I again tried to get out the door. Well, mom won the battle and got me back over to Santa, so I stayed there, but couldn't figure out why there were a couple of women making weird noises and using squeakers to get my attention! Mom explained to me later that they were trying to get me to get my ears up so the picture would come out perfect. So, after trying everything they could, I heard mom yell "cookie" and that did it -- my ears perked up real good! The picture came out pretty good, if I do say so myself! But, I'm not sure I want to go back and see Santa again -- he's kinda scary looking!
Christmas is coming soon and I'm looking forward to it. I can't really go out and shop for presents, but I do wish my family and friends (human, canine and feline) the best of health and happiness from this point on. This has been a difficult year for a lot of people and dogs I know, and I just want everyone to be as happy as I am!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and that the fat dude in the red suit brings you lots and lots of presents and treats!
Until next time . . .
Macy G. Mendenhall
Oh, here are a couple of recent pictures of my sisters . . . see, it's not all about me!
Speedy behind the curtain. |
Halle de la Renta |
Hi little Cuz, it's Lissa, your Mom's 1st Cuz and I'm so proud of you! You look so handsome in your pictures and your blog is a joy to read. :-) Keep up the good work and tell your Mom that we love her and we love you, too! xoxo