Hello Everyone! I hope this post finds you well. I've been doing great since we last muttered. The summer sure has flown by, which is fine with me since I like cooler weather anyway. The only thing I'm not liking is that it gets dark earlier and we can't get to the park during the week. Hopefully, we'll make up for it on the weekends!
Enjoying a beautiful evening with my friend Gypsy Rose. |
In August, I got to go to Woofstock and Dog Day Afternoon with mom and our friends Loretta and Charlie. We had a good time wandering around looking at all the pet stuff and getting a few free treats (and some that mommy bought for me too). It was very warm outside, but before we left, we sat around the fountain and cooled off and watched the ducks swimming around. We then stopped at McAlister's on the way home so mommy and Lor could eat dinner and Charlie and I sat out on the patio with them. It's always nice hanging out with my friends!
Charlie and me with laser beams coming out of our eyes! |
In September, I got to go to three pet events -- the first one was called Barktember and it took place at the Monon Center in Carmel. There were a few vendors there and a band, but most of the dogs were playing and swimming in the big pool. Mom almost literally drug me into the pool, but I'm not into swimming, so I had more fun running around outside the pool. Oh, I'm okay just wading, but once it gets up to my chest, I'm outta there! My favorite part was the hot dog mom bought me for lunch! It was also cool seeing friends like Willy and Pimg!
Waiting for my hot dog! |
Oh, so that's how it's done? No, thanks! |
It's more fun just running around! |
We went to Bow Wow Bash in a park in Brownsburg. Again, we got to see all kinds of different pet stuff, sniff a lot of butts (well, mom didn't, but I did!) and get some free treats. They had a makeshift dog park and mommy took me in there to play a little bit off-leash. It was fun. Oh, there was one booth where Heartfelt Photography was taking pictures of dogs and/or people and their dogs, so since mom is crazy about pictures of me, I decided I'd pose for one. It came out pretty good, if I do say so myself (that's it on the left)! Mom entered a contest to win a free photo session and some pictures and guess what, she won! So, in October, mom and I went to Holliday Park and did our photo shoot -- it was fun! Mom is going next week to see the proofs and I can't wait to see how they turned out! I'm sure mom will post the ones she gets.
The week after Bow Wow Bash, we went to Paws in the Park in Speedway. It was basically the same type of event, with lots of vendors, rescue groups and a few free treats. They had an IndyCar on display, so mom had me hop on the car so she could take my picture -- that was kinda cool. The car was even my favorite shade of blue! We stopped by German Shepherd Rescue Indy's booth and saw Amber and Creed. I'm so happy that Creed is doing so well after all he went through. Before we left, Mom and I stopped by a booth and had our caricature done -- I'll let you be the judge, but it looks nothing like either of us!
I should be the team mascot, don't you think? |
Caricature of mom and me. |
Okay, the next picture embarrasses me, but I tolerated it because mom thought it was kinda cute. She did apologize to me beforehand though! It's my Halloween costume -- Rock Star Macy! Thankfully, she didn't make me wear it on Halloween -- heck, I couldn't even walk in the darn thing!
With my guitar on my back . . . and Halle asking what the heck! |
Zebra print is so not me! |
Halloween was kind of a bust -- we only had 14 kids show up at the door. I think it's kinda cool to see the looks on the kids faces when I run to the door barking -- they think I'm a big scary dog! Ha! Ha! But, I got treats too -- every time someone came to the door, mom asked me to sit and she gave me a treat before she opened the door to give the kids treats.
Waiting on trick or treaters, grateful I only had to wear my Halloween bandana! |
I want to wish my Uncle Tim a Happy Birthday today -- it was fun visiting him and Grandma last Sunday as we celebrated his birthday, and an awesome Colts victory!
It will be Thanksgiving in a couple of weeks and it gets me thinking that I am one lucky dog. I'm so thankful that mom adopted me when I was a baby and that she provides me a nice home and practically anything I could ever ask for. I'm also thankful for the rest of my family, including Grandma, Uncle Tim and my kitty sisters, Speedy and Halle. I am so blessed to have all this great stuff going on in my life, but it makes me sad to think there are so many critters out there who do not have it as good as I do. So, I ask my readers to consider going to a shelter or rescue and bring a new member of your family home and provide them with a nice, safe, loving and furever home like I have.
I'm looking forward to seeing family on Thanksgiving and celebrating my fifth birthday on November 26. I can't wait!
Thanks so much for tuning in to my Mutterings once again and I hope to see you back here again real soon.
Peace, love and puppy kisses . . .
Macy G. Mendenhall
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